Channel logo of Colgatepony234 in greyscale as the remembrance version of the logo.
colgatepony234 was a YouTuber that made over 50 videos and had over 50 subscribers, as counted by the specials of video-making. He made his first YouTube account on August 2011, but due to him being the largest fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that airs on Hub Network, his first videos had a lot of dislikes. He closed his YouTube account because he received two Community Guidelines strikes on YouTube, the first one was that someone else false flagged his videos and the second one was harrassful comments on the site.
Also known by his stage name Live Benamore as he appears on Skype (live:benamore) and Google, colgatepony234 supported Blue Mario, also known as guyisbackable and was supported by many fans of Blue Mario.
Some days before colgatepony234 got a 2nd strike, he announced that he'll take hiatus until March 3, 2014, where strikes will expire, by moving to colgatepony235 account as his backup account.
A video made by guyisbackable was called Very sad news was posted on YouTube.
Link: Video