
This is the blog of me, etc. Guyisbackable, sharing lots of stuff, but the limit must be: at least one post per month. WARNING! To comply with the EU cookie law, this site uses cookies to give adjacent experience to readers.

Dec 28, 2013

Guy's Q&A #4: 2014 and GoAnimate: The Game

Current number: 0004

Question #01: What we plan for 2014?

2014 will make a fresh start not related to my channel and on GoAnimate, but, to, everything from me. It'll make a change that is not a logo change, but, something related to my videos and my settings.

Until June, I made videos in the original GoAnimate animation format, but, I took a widescreen action in late June and got the result. The 2014 will be a complete year in the 16:9 format of GoAnimate videos.

Question #02: What happens in June 9, 2014?

Animating will be phased out. Goodbye, and never come back. That's the result of the future. After that, no more animating videos and - a big goodbye to all!

You can still be subscribed but, a new kind of animations - fully takes it.

Question #03: What about GoAnimate: The Game?

I just take plenty of work sometimes and the game will be released in mid-2014, a period earlier than that, late 2014 or early 2015. It is currently unknown and I use a tool for making games without programming, but to manage something.

The game is available for those who use GoAnimate only (or those formerly used, so to remember GoAnimate).

Dec 23, 2013

Sneak Peek: Loading Screen for iPhone and iPad and App Icon!

Hey folks!

We also unveiled today and a loading screen and an icon for our mobile app of our GoAnimate: The Game. We have unveiled 3 of stuff we want to share with you: 2 loading screens for our app: iPhone and iPad, and an app icon!

Loading Screen

iPhone version

The loading screen is same as Flash loading screen, only with more sky and a little large field for a bar (white field).

iPad version

App icon

The app icon is white field with "Go" written in a GoAnimate logo font, in orange.

So stay tuned for more sneak peeks and previews!

Dec 18, 2013

Sneak Peek: The Loading Screen, Platforms and the Only Playable Character

Hey folks!

Today we're showing the first sneak peek of our GoAnimate: The Game. It is, for the beginning of our game development, and for the start of the game on the start on your play after the finish of the development, the loading screen!

Loading screen

The loading screen has the game logo on the top center, the "Loading..." text re-ordered to make a "hill" and some white field for the bar. The background is blue like our real life's sky.

Below the "hill" field, a "gradient" from bright green to white appeared, meaning that the white was designed for the free field designed for the loading bar.

Also, a game creator was chosen: the game will be made with Stencyl.

The Playable Character

Hey, we didn't forget something: we also added a playable character that you can play this game as him. We have chosen a Cartoon Classics theme guy appearing on the game screens proud to you, Frankenstein!



The game will work on Flash, but an iOS version is also planned.

Stay tuned for more updates, also including updates on the iOS version, sneak peeks up until the final sneak peek, also known as the announce of the release date of our game! (websites you can play the game a.k.a the game's releasing places will be announced soon)

Goodbye until the next sneak peek!

Dec 11, 2013

Announcing... GoAnimate: The Game!

Hey folks!

Today we announced a new game we are now making - GoAnimate: The Game, an upcoming shoot'em up video game we started making - using Stencyl!

Currently we work on levels, so stay tuned.


If you haven't downloaded Stencyl, on Google, type "stencyl download" and then go to a link where says in blue or purple "Download Stencyl", then click on it.

So stay tuned for first sneak peeks and some previews of our game! We also plan to post it on Newgrounds!

So goodbye until the first sneak peek!

Dec 2, 2013

New Website: The Grounded Forums!

Hey folks!

We're announcing our new website, The Grounded Forums!

The Grounded Forums is an internet forum (or message board) dedicated to grounded videos and its objectives. It has 5 topics dedicated for each theme, in which one of them is about the troublemakers.

The website was launched on December 1, 2013.


  • Fixed header - NEW! on Guy's websites
  • Ability to download the logo as a commercial-themed product's part, or even announcement's parts
  • Rules to read before using
  • Ability to contact about detailed features on the forum
  • "Home" was renamed to "Forum's Start"
  • Full red color - time to make the difference in color liking of Guy!

Link to the website

The website can be reached at http://groundedforums.weebly.com/#/.


Nov 5, 2013

Remembrance of Colgatepony234 (2011-2013)

Channel logo of Colgatepony234 in greyscale as the remembrance version of the logo.

colgatepony234 was a YouTuber that made over 50 videos and had over 50 subscribers, as counted by the specials of video-making. He made his first YouTube account on August 2011, but due to him being the largest fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that airs on Hub Network, his first videos had a lot of dislikes. He closed his YouTube account because he received two Community Guidelines strikes on YouTube, the first one was that someone else false flagged his videos and the second one was harrassful comments on the site.

Also known by his stage name Live Benamore as he appears on Skype (live:benamore) and Google, colgatepony234 supported Blue Mario, also known as guyisbackable and was supported by many fans of Blue Mario.


Some days before colgatepony234 got a 2nd strike, he announced that he'll take hiatus until March 3, 2014, where strikes will expire, by moving to colgatepony235 account as his backup account.


A video made by guyisbackable was called Very sad news was posted on YouTube.

Link: Video

Oct 27, 2013

Stories about Nintendo On - What is this???

Nintendo On is a fake video game console, unveiled at a video created by Pablo Belmonte from Spain, known by his display name psycho3ler. The video was created and posted shortly before Nintendo unveiled the Wii/Revolution (codename) at Electronic Entertainment Expo of 2005. As a result, "psycho3ler" (Pablo Belmonte) posted it as a "leaked Revolution trailer" as well. The hoax video (posted on YouTube in 2006 by a channel called Andrex) was beinng considered one of the greatest hoaxes in the world. The video lasts 6 minutes and 21 second, beginning with a Nintendo console history and ending with a start of Mario's adventure. By many, they choosed a Nintendo On video as a "true announcement of Nintendo's next generation system", codenamed Revolution and later born as Wii.

The Video

Oct 17, 2013

Rules for choosing a New Troublemaker

If you want a new series that will succeed Bad Kevin by the end of 2013, beginning of 2014 or anything else, you should read this rules before voting on YouTube.


When a character has more votes than the another one, he/she'll move to next level. After completing the level 4, he'll win. When a character has less votes than the another one, he/she'll be disqualified from the contest. Clicking a like button means you're voting a left-displayed character. Clicking a dislike button means you're voting a right-displayed character. If two characters have the equal votes in counting, the random character will be moved to the next level, while the another one will be disqualified.

Oct 14, 2013

What you can do and what you can't do on GoAnimate, what to do if you're a beginner

GoAnimate is an animating website founded in 2007 by Alvin Hung. It provides creating animations, sales presentations, product demos, video SEO and many more.

What you can do on the website

  1. On GoAnimate, you can make animations using the Video Maker (previously known as Full Video Maker) with a full drag-and-drop interface in choosing characters, backgrounds, sounds or music on the one of 4 tracks, props, speech bubbles and text, and special effects.
  2. You can, also, make animations using the Templates (previously known as Quick Video Maker) with a full step-by-step interface. The first step includes the background, the second a character selection, the third one a dialog type (up to 30 if you're a GoPlus or a Business user, up to 10 if you're a Basic user) and a fourth one the full preview. After watching the preview, click on the Save now button, enter title, description, and - ta-da! You made your own "quick" film.
  3. Both on Video Maker and Templates, you can add voices. Basic users have less voices, while the GoPlus and Business account holders have more voices. On Video Maker to add voices, jsut click on a character, move to "Voice" section if haven't, type your voice up to 120 characters, choose a voice and click on the Add voice button. And - ta-da! Your character now has his own voice. On Templates to add voices, just choose the voice on your character (if custom), and on 2nd one (custom). Then, when you type dialogs for those 2 people - ta-da! On a preview you hear those 2 different voices from 2 different characters.
  4. You can make characters. Basically, you can customize T-shirts, pants, face shape, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, add extras, add glasses, facial hair, beard and many more! If you're a Basic user only, you can't make any characters.
  5. If you're a GoPlus or a Business user, you can make videos longer than 2 minutes. Basic users only have to make videos shorter than 2 minutes. If Basic users make videos longer than 2 minutes, their videos are draft. To make them public or private, they need to upgrade to GoPlus or a Business account.

What you can't do on the website

  1. You can't make characters even if you're a Basic user. You need GoPlus or Business to do that.
  2. Making videos longer than 2 minutes but on a Basic plan makes the video draft.
  3. Basic users have 10 dialog lines on Templates, while GoPlus and Business users have 30 dialog lines.

What to do if you're a beginner

Beginners usually need tutorials for making videos. For them if they don't watch tutorials, GoAnimate will be hard on them.

One of the tutorials can be watched on Guy's Blog right now:

WARNING: The video may be letterbox if on a 4:3 format or else.

Oct 13, 2013

Guy's Blog Reportage #1: Car inflamed in the southwest part of the center of my city

How my dad and I said, an old grey car sometime at 12:(something) PM got inflamed in the southwestern road to the center of our city. It was on Saturday, October 12, 2013, and I was with my dad. There were firefighters who cleaned up the fire, opened the top left exterior corner of the car door and saw there isn't a driver who owned the car as well. We were fleeing to be careful because of a proposed explosion. The explosion didn't happened as well. With his phone that has Windows Mobile (an old version of Windows Phone that was discontinued), we recorded that event, and WASN'T posted on my YouTube channel due to my voice and age. However, I can record real-life videos for YouTube but I won't hear any voice from my housemates that live in my house, number 52.

Oct 10, 2013

Guyisbackable Reviews Microsoft Sam: The Movie

Microsoft Sam: The Movie is my own film, still in production. 3/15 parts were done. Part 4 will be planned today OR tomorrow. It stars Microsoft Sam as the flagship star in the movie.

How it all began?

It all began with the first part of a movie, with a part of it dedicated to Microsoft Sam's performance of his own first song produced in 2004 called Fat but sexy, on the arena of the Republic Song Contest of 2013 in Guy City.

Which part has the shortest plot?

Part 2. Why? Because it has a news program with only textual stories and only one single report by a reporter Microsoft Mary in Guy City. The news broadcast from the same city, as well, on another street. They broadcast from Unknown Street 28 in the Guy City, Republic of Guy's capital city.

Are there any highlights?

Yes! There's one in part 1 and one in part 3! Instantly, I must look up for songs sung by Microsoft Sam in a way I don't like, the way he talks instead of singing. I'll find them on the Internet.

Where will Part 4 locate?

It will locate in a single elevator, with Sam just being, looking up at elevator errors, crashes, being secure not to being stuck, and much more. The guest Mike will appear later in that same part.

Will be any full parts that take in night at city?

Yes. It will be Part 5 or Part 6.

Is there a poster?

Yes! Here's it, you can look at it right now!

It features Sam, Mike and Mary in one empty statue without anyone, as Sam, Mike and Mary are three flagship stars in the movie. The background behind that statue, Sam, Mike, and Mary is a dark-red gradient.
The statue is blue. In front of the statue, Sam, Mike and Mary, there is a text planted on it, the movie's off-screen logo and its release date. Above the statue, the text in front of it, Sam, Mike and Mary behind the text, there is a sentence saying:

Two, one, SOI!

in a yellow Accidental Presidency typeface. The movie is rated PG-13 due to mild strong language and mild violence in the movie, so anyone under 10 is NOT SUITABLE to view this movie.

Sep 22, 2013

Guy Explains: Why He Makes Widescreen Animations

Well, at least, I want to turn my channel videos into everything futuristic, such as aspect ratio on my GoAnimate animations, and other. So, because of that, I started making widescreen video because I said that my fans should enjoy in fullscreen due to aspect ratio in their monitors.

By the way, several mine fans don't always choose the Anime theme while making a video, even I choose everytime I start a video. These mine fans always choose the Comedy World theme, even that theme does not support 16:9 except for Business Friendly, Anime, Space Citizens, Stickly Business, Common Craft and any other new themes introduced maybe in late 2012 or this year.

Sep 20, 2013

1st anniversary of guyisbackable, the channel on YouTube

Hey guys!

Blue Mario celebrates his 1st birthday. If you are interested for it, listen the Sunny Side of the Road, one of the songs on GoAnimate's music library, below:

Unveiling the new Fox Harper!


Fox Harper has been finally updated! A new theme is coming right now, and Guycks are the history.

Especially, enjoy the new look of the site:


Sep 19, 2013

An Entry for Kingsley's Customarpalooza (of 2013)

Hey folks,

Here's my custom buddy for a contest on Flipline Forum:

Sep 17, 2013

Guy's Q&A #3: Updates for Ask Guyisbackable

Current number: 0003

Question #01: What updates Ask Guyisbackable gets?

At least, I always want to give updates to my asking series, giving it a fresh start from episode 8 to present, as well as a new intro, and a 2nd host, Joey, that will host together with Blue Mario.

Here's the new intro I made:

Question #02: Will the studio be the same or will be different?

I think it will be instantly same. I will talk who asked me and then tell the answer only, but Joey will say "welcome to the next episode of Ask Guyisbackable" and will also say "Now, statistics" at the end. Everything except that will be said by Blue Mario.

Question #03: Will Joey wear glasses?

I think Joey will not. Instantly, he only wears glasses at work except for Ask Guyisbackable.

Sep 10, 2013

New Logo for Colgatepony234 by Guyisbackable

Colgatepony234 is a YouTube channel. Instantly, because of Guyisbackable's 10th birthday, the channel will get a new look, especially made by Guyisbackable himself. It is, maybe, a home-made logo (because Guyisbackable made it in his house).

Idea for rebrand

"We want to make a fresh start especially for our buddy from YouTube, Colgatepony234, to prevent copying an Nkrs200-style logo. We want to transform "colgatepony" into "CP", in an electric-style font. The colors from the previous logo will be kept; aqua, purple, orange and blue. The "2" in the logo will have first two colors on from top left from the previous logo. Other numbers are with only one color." - said from Guyisbackable himself.

Logo Details

The new logo maybe will be considered "shaped". The mostly known reason is: made with PowerPoint 2010. The 2 is made with two "L-shaped" shapes, looking like a letter L, the number 3 is also made with those same shapes, especially the one shape (the one on the bottom) is flipped. The bar on the 3 (the middle part) is replaced by a rectangle, and it's called a "dot". The 4 is similar to RTL4's one, slighty changed and color changed to blue. Especially, the new logo contains a lot of several creativity, like only "rectangles".

Sep 9, 2013

Differences between Ask Guyisbackable and Ask MatthewComedianable

Ask Guyisbackable and Ask MatthewComedianable are two different asking series. While one is posted by guyisbackable, the other one is posted by MatthewComedianable.

Title Card

The font used on Ask Guyisbackable, at the very start of each episode from Episode 3 to present, a text with a typing effect, and a "Comic Book" font appears, saying like this:


On MatthewComedianable's version, the same text appears but in uppercase letters with the "Accidental Presidency" font, like this:




Also, every next word is jumped one line on writing.


  • The "?" refers to a random number of an episode.

Music, and Its Volume

In both Ask Guyisbackable and Ask MatthewComedianable, the same music is used, the "Broadcast News" theme song. Instantly, on episode 1 of Ask MatthewComedianable, the music was changed to a different song after the birthday song, because it was posted on September 7, 2013 (Guy's 10th birthday).


Notably known reason of the music is volume. The volume of the Broadcast News music on Ask Guyisbackable is 50%, while Ask MatthewComedianable keeps its music's volume always 100%. The reason the Ask MatthewComedianable music volume is 100%, is that because the user who made the series didn't knew about the volume for any song. Instantly, Ask Guyisbackable uses 50%, because people can hear asked questions easily.

Deleted Questions

While Ask MatthewComedianable allows two or more questions to be posted by a single user, the Ask Guyisbackable doesn't. If a user posts 2 or more questions on the asking area on any recent episode, all questions except the first one (oldest) will be marked deleted. A deleted question is a form of a question which does not appear in Ask Guyisbackable's any latest episode, but all deleted question(s) will appear every next episode.

Question Snipping

For a little easier making episodes for Ask Guyisbackable, the series uses the "Snipping Tool", a free application included mostly with Windows 7.

Also, Ask MatthewComedianable doesn't use snipping question, because the user who made this series says that "all asking series don't use question snipping".

The "EWMQTOPBSU" badge

The EWMQTOPBSU (standing for Episode Without More Questions Than One Posted by a Single User) is a badge introduced in episode 4 of Ask Guyisbackable. Instantly, the episode who awards this badge is an episode without any deleted questions. Instantly, Ask MatthewComedianable doesn't use this badge.

Sep 7, 2013

Big Jubilee: Guyisbackable Officialy Turned 10!

Hey folks, we have some great news.

The great news is that our buddy from internet, Guyisbackable, officialy turned 10 (in real life). So, write happy birthday on the comments! :)

Sep 6, 2013

Guy's Q&A #2: All about Birthday of Guyisbackable, and Extras

Current number: 0002

Question #01: What you plan for your birthday?

At least, I plan to do something special to my fans. This includes saying happy birthday on the comments, and giving HTTP presents to me over private messaging and/or channel discussing.

Question #02: Do a birthday countdown bothers you?

No. Every time I wake up in my time (from September 1st to September 7th), I added a birthday countdown for people who want to be ready for the birthday, coming in Saturday, September 7th.

Question #03: In what age you're turning?

I turn ten. Instantly, I was born on September 7, 2003.

Question #04: What you plan to do for your channel?

I plan to reach 300 videos, then 350, and become the most popular YouTuber of the time.

Question #05: What are your websites?

  1. Guy's Blog
  2. Guyisbackable Fansite
  3. Fox Harper
  4. Guyisbackable Fansite Photo Gallery
  5. Guyisbackable Fansite Forums
  6. Urkanoid Online

Sep 5, 2013

Minor Twist on Guy's Blog!

Hey everyone,

For a fit on the old (4:3 format) computers, Guy's Blog gets a new theme, with a minor twist:

  1. Removed some gadgets, changed blog description and welcome message.
  2. All Blogger logo copies removed, the first one (non-copied) re-positioned.
  3. You will see only one popular post, claiming to be the most populous post.
  4. Theme changed to "Simple".

Guy's Q&A #1: Blog Decorations, Everything about Guy Network, Fox Harper and Guyisbackable

Welcome to the question answering with a narrator taking questions and Guy answering them, only on Guy's Blog!

Current number: 0001

Question #01: How do you decorate Guy's Blog?

But well, at least, I add some gadgets, but sometimes I update them. Because of that, this makes Guy's Blog grow for a bunch.

Question #02: What is Guy Network?

Guy Network will be a project which will contain three entertainment divisions: Guy Network Art, the art and design division, Guy Network Entertainment, the video production division, and Guy Network NetCheck, the web division. These divisions launch on June 9, 2014, while Guy Network Entertainment will launch three days later. A fourth division, a record label, named Guy Network Records, will plan to launch by Fall 2014.

Question #03: Will Guy Network keep its animations as the "animation library"?

Yes, of course.

Guy Network will not produce newest animations as of June 9, 2014. The old animations will be saved and will be transferred to the category named "the animation library", meaning that the old animations can still be watched as of 2014.

Question #04: Will Guy Network replace guyisbackable?

Yes, because of my GoPlus account expire (I ordered it for two years, in June 9, 2012, at my aunt's 27th birthday). Instantly, the company Guyisbackable inc., Guy's Blog, the guy9374 Network, and everything that is property of Guy will not change its name, instead for guyisbackable.

Question #05: What is Fox Harper?

Fox Harper is a TTS-related website designed for everyone aged 11.5 and up. It has an error request form, a provider to buy Guycks (no real money required, they are non-transferable.) and an error request form with a delayed submission.

Question #06: What is Guyisbackable?

Guyisbackable is a YouTube channel, launched first in January 24, 2012 as guy9374. It relaunched the same year in October 26 as guyisbackable, making it the update of the channel and new name. It will become Guy Network in June 9, 2014.

So that's all for today!

Write any questions us on guyisback11@gmail.com. Don't post them with bad grammar - all with bad grammar will be modified.

Aug 9, 2013

Guyisbackable to become Guy Network in June 9 and subsidiary channels to be closed in June 1

Early August 2013, Guyisbackable announced that the channel will change its name into Guy Network, to focus on comedy and fun. There will be no GoAnimate animations, because the GoPlus account, purchased for 2 years in June 9, 2012, will expire. Instead, there will be text-to-speech videos without sign videos, the Microsoft Sam shorts, Funny Windows Errors of 2013, and trailers for upcoming Guy's projects.

Neew logo, looking like similar to Xtranormal's from 2010.

Also, we noticed that Guyisbackable2, Guyisbackable3, Guyisbackable4 and Guyisbackable5 will be closed, permanently; typing URLs of these channels after June 1st may have a "This channel was closed and is no longer available" or similar, depending on the YouTube change, meaning that these channels are no longer available, and also, the videos that were on these channels will no longer be available.

The font used in Guy Network's logo for the "GN" was Knuckle Down, while for the wordmark was Futura-Bold. You can download these fonts on most font sharing services and are available on DaFont. It was made by Guy Phatom.

Also, when you go to Guyisbackable's channel, the channel art was changed; it has the Guy Network logo, Microsoft Sam and the wordmark below the Guy Network logo saying "See you in June 2014". That content is visible on the center of the field of the channel art, also known as cropped field Guyisbackable set. Also, these content are all in black background.

Fox Harper and Guyisbackable Fansite, together with Guyisbackable Fansite Forums, will not be discontinued. The famous name "guyisbackable" and the mascot "Blue Mario" will remain when the Guyisbackable channel is called "Guy Network". The name "guy9374", used on the guy9374 Network, will not be retired, it will remain only on the guy9374 Network and vice versa. The logo of the guy9374 Network and its sister channels will not be changed, permanently.

Here is the teaser for Guy Network, posted on YouTube:

So wait until June 2014 and continue watching videos and subscribing!

Aug 3, 2013

Play.us - new gaming service owned by Guy Phatom, launching soon

Play.us, the new portal for playing games staying opened 24/7, is launching soon. There will be a bunch of games, also known as over 1,000 to choose from.

Play.us logo, which will be available after the first second of the website.

- We confirmed that there will be the new Play.us portal, containing over one thousand games, and the CEO is Guy Phatom, which also owns Fox Harper and Guyisbackable Fansite. - Guy Phatom, on the Journal 1 at 7PM on EVB1.

The web address will be on sites.google.com/site/playus, but after the domain registering, it will be on www.play.us.com.

Jul 26, 2013


Help, guys!

I have no reason why I switched to MMF2. It makes my game so crazy, but it is considered to be a bug or even Clickteam's problem.

Because of that, Urkanoid 3 may NOT start its development.

Instead, I will make another video game except for this Urkanoid 3.

Your Guy.

Jul 24, 2013

Sneak Peak: Urkanoid 3

Urkanoid 3 will start its development.

#1: Title screen

Title screen will look different. First of all, the Urkanoid 3's splash screen will get a major re-filling of the background of the screen. We will show up how will it looks:

The first thing we made a change is the background. Instead of the blue on Urkanoid 2 and the light blue on Urkanoid 1, Urkanoid 3 gets the red color. Also, the number 3 looks like it has the curve on the end of drawing. Also, the copyright text gets a big twist. Urkanoid 4 is planed to have the number 4 yellow and the background color green.

#2: The HUD

HUD will get a new item: the counter. The counter shows up how many bricks you broke up and will be shown on the center. Score will change its position, will be shown on the right side instead, because of the alignment it uses. The lives object will be shown on the left because of its alignment, as the score.

#3: New features and/or changes

  1. Mint blocks will not be removed.
  2. Breaking 100 bricks give you an extra life.
  3. New sky backgrounds introduced; changing every 5 instead of 4 levels, because the game will have 30 instead of 29 levels (1 more level added).
  4. Brick positions changed. Mint blocks were still on top but the new black blocks, on the bottom, were introduced on the bottom left and right corner and they change position to a ball without losing a live. They are called the security blocks.

Jul 12, 2013

Fox Harper was rebranded!

Woo-hoo! A great thing to say is that Fox Harper finally got a NEW look and a new theme! With the new Fox Harper you can still submit your error request, but there is a NEW form you can find in the Error Request Form page. The old request form will expire on September 2, so you can with that form still submit error requests until that date. The expire date is September 2, 2013 at 7AM.

"The new logo is a very good choice for this site. We are able to make very good changes and to follow our team, our mind and our knowledge for building that great site." - Guyisbackable for the new logo.

We can make Fox Harper very better and understandable!

Jul 5, 2013

Someone hates me on YouTube!

Guys, help me!

Someone with the name "levi03able" but now switched to Google+ name (Levente Mészáros) said to me "GUYISBACKABLE YOU F***ING IDIOT" like this:
As shown in this picture, I don't use Chrome! I use IE10.

Also, he hates my friend, DavidTheAnimationGuy.

If you are a hater of SeaDisney1998, block that Hungarian!

Jun 26, 2013

New Keith Episode: Keith Makes Fake VHS Openings and Gets Grounded

New Keith episode coming June 28, only on guyisbackable!

In the last episode of Keith series:

  1. Keith Jones, the protagonist of the series, was grounded because he went to the Airport Movies to watch Red Tails. He drove his dad's car, but his dad looked for him.
  2. 10 minutes later, when Keith was at home, he went to his room faster because he was chasen by his dad.
  3. Also, Keith sleeped for 5 minutes, and he dreamed that he can go on the computer while he's grounded.

What will Keith do next? Find out in the next episode!

May 21, 2013

New corporate identity on guyisbackable from September

Greg Harper and Guy Phatom, controllers of the guyisbackable channel, were announced the new corporate look of the channel which is not changing the Blue Mario avatar or the channel art. This takes place on September 2.

"The second channel is also not changing. The Guy's Google+ account avatar is not changing. We are changing only the cover photo, because the guy9374 Network will not change its logo, but unveil new programs" - said Greg Harper.

Also, new channels to be opened are guyisbackable3 and guyisbackable4. Other channels are said to be taken until the end of the year, or in the January 2014.

On June 4, PSYFan Pictures also announces a new company, named 21st Century Guy. All stuff that are owned by guyisbackable and co. will be owned by the new company. Guy Phatom is the founder. Greg Phatom is the director.

May 19, 2013

Report about me hating the cartoons

SpongeBob SquarePants, Phineas and Ferb, Tom and Jerry, Teletubbies... - are the cartoons that exist. I hate them because they contain nonsense and child's love. One person bought me a Phineas and Ferb sweater and my mom the Tom and Jerry pajama - that's the worst things I have in my house. I prefer not to wear them. Most people think children should LOVE cartoons, but I think I don't!

My fans on YouTube say that cartoons suck. Who thinks like this? Well, I prefer that I am no longer watching them on television. I hate the girl cartoons. A 3-year old girl watches Winx Club everywhere - on TV and on YouTube. I will block cartoons everywhere if someone of MINE fans watch it! But I like South Park - a teen and a kids comedy show on Comedy Central!

Guys, don't prefer me that I hate cartoons. They suck and they need to be canceled on its ORIGINAL TV broadcast stations.

May 1, 2013

My report about how Mario Party 9 is worst Mario game

I can say this is the worst video game because they changed the FORM of Mario Party gameplay in moving. How they can change EVERYTHING? It's big shit, they changed the walking format to a car format, that's the worst thing. I can say that they changed the dice block to 1-10 to 1-6, like a real board game. Save me, God. I hope Nintendo makes a better game with an old format.

Apr 17, 2013

A company that owns the guy9374 Network, its sister three channels and a HD simulcast of the network, has chosen the new director for the guy9374 Network

The guy9374 Network gets a new director on April 22. Instead of outgoing Guy Phatom, also known as guyisbackable on YouTube, the director was Greg Harper. Before Phatom left, we telled the Greg what will  he do with the network:

"I love the guy9374 Network. I tried to be the director, but they choosed another one. I am now on the place. I am doing the new idents and the logo will not be changed, because it's awesome" - said Harper before the moving to the network headquarters. On that time, Phatom said:

"The guy9374 Network is mine, but Greg is good friends with me. I am the founder, and the network is protected from buying out. Greg will be the director" - said Guy Phatom before the go from the network to its home job.

On Guy News, it was said yesterday.

Apr 8, 2013

Let's say hello to the third channel of the guy9374 Network

The third channel of the guy9374 Network launched on Monday, April 1. It also announced a new great scheme. The new scheme means: news broadcasting at nights from 11PM to 6AM and Good Morning Guy from 6AM to its ending time. It also airs Guy News but not at 6:30 PM, it airs at 11PM and is a 30-minute program. Next thing of the news is One News and College. Then From Three to Six. And finally regional newscasts. And Night Journal with Microsoft Mike and Microsoft Sam. And EVERYTHING.

New idents are set to be in abstract colors, at the sea, in the playroom floor, in the park, at the shop, at school to meet teachers and more.

Let's take a look to the logo, which is turning out to be little ugly, but no problem.

The logo is the same as the guy9374 Network. Notice the difference: The big number three replaces the dots at bottom right corner.

Apr 1, 2013

oiraM eulB

oiraM eulB is Guy's April Fools' prank on YouTube.

Mar 23, 2013

AGKR episode #150

For this time, I am thinking about an AGKR episode #150 as the series finale. Maybe the episode be called "Angry German Kid Says Goodbye to His Viewers" or simply "Angry German Kid Says Goodbye". For now, guys, I am thinking about the content that may be in this episode. This can mean: some special messages that AGK says them to viewers, or maybe humiliation and misery like in AGK82's episode. If you want more informations about the future of AGKR, subscribe to guyisbackable and AGKchannel88 for future informations.

Mar 19, 2013

New: The guy9374 Network HD

Guy has a 10-year old broadcasting continuosly television network 24 hours a day. For the time that people have HDTVs in 2013, Guy is forced to launch the HD simulcast of his network, the guy9374 Network. The guy9374 Network HD is the same program as the guy9374 Network, mainly broadcasting sports at the times we sleep (from 12am to 6am). The test of the program launched in early March 2013, and the full HD simulcast begins in April 1, at the April Fools day.

The logo will be same as the guy9374 Network's, but it may have the long way until the word HD.

Logo will be at the top right corner, with the main network logo just moved on for the letters "HD" to fit on the screen.

Mar 7, 2013

Conversation joining has open!

The new conversation #Guy93742013's joining was opened today right after broadcasting of Guy News on the guy9374 Network on March 6, where Guy made a new looking font!

Here's a promotional image that it could be this conversation.

The conversation can mean: a new YouTube channel design, a new channel look (but not replacing Blue Mario as an image), the guy9374 Network rebrand (not replacing a logo, but replaces idents), the re-opening of a third channel named simply Channel 166 (a combination of two Channel 88's), the second season or third of AGKR and the new Harold series named Harold the Teacher, and mainly announcing the trailer as this image. Live broadcast of the unveiling on the guy9374 Network!

Mar 5, 2013

Guy's Blog introduces a new logo

When you go to Guy's Blog at 11:30 AM in America, 7:30 PM in UK and 8:30 PM in our country, you will see something new - Guy's Blog changes the logo.

The logo will feature the more abstractly feeling-like font which introduces the modern blog on the country. The layout, Travel, will never be changed because Guy's Blog will keep the blue color and it's the favorite #1 color of Guy.

Let's have the look at the new logo:

New font, new changes, new month and new year! These four letters in blue color accidentaly can be these four things!

There will be some other things, accidentaly the new TV station as its own channel, GuyTV, will change the logo next year.

Feb 25, 2013

Last Week Channel 88 Was Launched

guyislegobuilding and guyisgaming, your favorite two subchannels of Guy (guyisbackable), were innoncently closed and they were replaced by one channel named Channel 88 and also known as Angry German Kid TV by some minor audience from US, Canada, UK and more countries of the full world. Channel 88 will focuse on short programs and will come on TV soon, but here are Harold's Misadventures, new series which involve Harold on some hateful content and Hitler Reviews, the series involving Hitler in some verdicts that won't know the audience.

The Channel 88 logo above at center was unveiled in late January at 12:00 AM.

Feb 16, 2013

Fox Harper Player Was Cancelled?

Fox Harper Player due to non-updating of Guy was cancelled and after thirty days, the site is stopped to exist.

What Guy said from closing:

"-I am tired of two websites. The first thing that occurs is that I can't do on two websites the same thing, but only I need my Fox Harper. I am not Fox Harper! I am Guy Phatom!".

Feb 13, 2013

New Sony Vegas Pro 11 Subtitles from February 15

In the video "Hitler Changes the Subtitles" which is the last video of guyisbackable channel, the new subtitles were debuted in the parody. The date of using them will permanently be February 15, in the announcing of Guy.

The new subtitles will feature the same font and size, but outline makes shadow more darker and black is the color alone to make the "more realistic" and "more darker" shadow. The color black is the outline color.

Here is a video for you to have a look to it. The new subtitles will debut in AGK series and intro, Hitler Parodies and mainly, all Sony Vegas Pro 11 made videos. Subtitles are recommended for people who didn't listen what everybody talks, and are meant to be put.

guyisbackable News: The guy9374 Network is not becoming guyisbackable TV and more one week of campaign being busy

Guy Phatom, one of the faces of the guy9374 Network together with Microsoft Sam and Mike, has announced that there are no need for the guy9374 Network to become guyisbackable TV. Guy said: "Only two times of name change could be, but not more than it", said Guy during the announce. On September 9, people couldn't see the new name. The name "guy9374" will not be defunct.

More one information is that the campaign was not yet finished. It will be finished in February 18 and will launch. Old avatar (the guy9374 Network logo) will return after campaign ends.

Feb 10, 2013

The 150th Video Special: Talk

The 150th video which has come at February 10, 2013 was posted on the guyisbackable channel and it was the annual humor-like celebrating video. Leopold, Hitler and Leopold's dad, Adolf Hitler, were gone to a 3-minute celebration video and it will be "the longest video on guyisbackable channel made on Sony Vegas Pro 11 as from annuals only, and not only the longest video in counting".

Feb 9, 2013

Talk: The Newest Guy's Wiki

I just opened the Newest Guy's Wiki because of my knowledge and my stuff being located there! I do not allow anyone to edit and create pages there! These stuff are only mine and I am not stealing them! See how TvsmanHD2 (also known as Thatlucasglossguyisb on YouTube) types too much faster and gets so horrible on typing pages and types them and makes smarter. I DO NOT ALLOW THIS.

This wiki is only owned by me and I do not really own rights for users making pages.

I do not like this: porgram, becamed, and more incorrect words by that guy. He needs to teach typing.

Feb 4, 2013

guyisbackable News: The campaign was busy, it will be opened next week

People who are working on the new campaign have not finished its full works they need. They did a new logo for guyisbackable TV, new avatars for all three YouTube channels that use the "guy" prefix (guyisbackable, guyislegobuilding, guyisgaming) and new other stuff.

At 3:00 PM, the boss stopped a time for workers to do its own, but they had not finished due to some technical difficulties. Guy is here for a report:

-We will open the new campaign next week, at February 11 - said Guy during the work. He said that workers should work from 5:00 AM to 11:00 PM, in which they must sleep. Only some people stop working due to breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Jan 31, 2013

New Campaign: Leopold Rocks, but Memy Sucks

On February 4 Guy announced a new video campaign that it can go with GoAnimate-only animations versus TheWarren1995 and his fans, like IamMemy9909 and more. People should see the same look, but instead of "guyisbackable - Animations", you will see "Day ? of the new campaign" from February 4 until April 1, where in this date the campaign should end, and you will see back "guyisbackable - Animations" in white letters just again! It will also go with Leopold, Hitler, The Short Guy Show episodes and more stuff on the whole web of Guy. From Memy to goodies, jacob21703, a guy which will call me "Super Tails", and people who love me except Computerzrul2011, IamMemy9909 and TheWarren1995. The current avatar of the channel will be kept. More 2002KidsChannel will always go into our friending.

Jan 29, 2013

More 6 EVB Channels Get a New Look, but EVB News and Sport Channel Shut Down

EVB6, 7, 8, 9, E and International channels get also the new look.

EVB6 is turquoise colored and will get the Aqua and Air series of idents.

EVB7 is purple and will focuse on violet white laser idents like in Rai 4 should do. It's a music channel.

EVB8 is in the web-color version of blue and will focuse on sports news and streams.

EVB9 is the home of thriller drama and is multi-colored. Main color is grey.

EVBE and International use idents of EVB1.

Vegas Pro Tutorial: How To Put Your Own Subtitles

Subtitles help you watch a video if you can't hear a spoken language. But we now recommend you have Sony Vegas Pro 11 or 12 (I have 11).

1. Open Sony Vegas.

This is a screenshot of a program. Filmed at January 28, 2013 at 8:24 PM (or 20:24 if you use 24 hours).

2. Now you need to insert two video tracks, or you can to add one audio to hear what they talk to these two video tracks.

3. Open the (Legacy) Text menu in Media Generators section and choose "Soft Shadow" on the track #1.

4. Open the Solid Color menu in the same section and choose any color. If you choose black, you can't see the shadow, (I choosed blue) and then put into the track #2. You can there insert any video you want.

5. Then click on the green media icon on the top right corner as you see inserted "Sample Text" text. Then delete it, then click on the Bottom Center placement direction, shorten the size from 72 to 24, and then type your own text in the subtitle. Then it will be shown or the background on video. You can put more subtitles.

And now you have your own subtitles!

Jan 24, 2013

EVB Channels Get a Previous Look, But EVB1 Gets the Modificated Digit One

EVB Television said that its channels will get the old logo again. New idents are taken to be taken again to Animoto's film studio and to be filmed with the same music.

EVB1 will get the modificated digit one. The logos are the parodized Rai logos.

Take a preview to these logos.

EVB1 will get a modificated digit one and previous logo, but color alternated.

EVB2's color just a little darkened because logos will also be alternated.

EVB3's logo just a little modificated and the color got lightened and it's the laptop quality of it.

EVB4 will be the home of entertainment and will launch the new idents except EVB1, EVB2 and EVB3 do. The pink color lightened.

EVB5 will be the home of history, classical music, culture and old entertaiment. Orange lightened and modificated.

Jan 20, 2013

Fox Harper Player Was Introduced

Hey! Guy here and we are now presenting the new Fox Harper Player! This is the new home of Guy by adding some videos from YouTube by linking the video link and searching. This is the new one click website made for some stuff that we recommend use both websites and to understand the informations from them. You can visit any of them. Fox Harper Player is now still in progress.

Jan 14, 2013

The New Privacy Has Come and ITV Got a New Logo

Hey! Serbia, US, UK, Canada and Japan go on the next level and the privacy for five countries is now new and as from January 15, we should monetize videos by skipping one day, but not after January 15.


ITV got a new logo today! What you should know, you can see:

Logo Comparison:

The old ITV1,

and the new ITV!

Old: O New: N

N: Hello Old! I'm New! I am gonna replace you!
O: What the? Are I am missing the 1?
N: Yes. You will be called ITV, not ITV1!
O: Firing you now! Buhahahahahahahaaaaaaa!

guy9374 Productions Became PSYFan Pictures and the guy9374 Network Becomes guyisbackable TV

This year, the 2013, is the end of the guy9374 name. It's just more remaining the guy9374 Network with the same name, and as from September 9, it is guyisbackable TV. If you go to channel 10 from September 9, you will no longer see the guy9374 Network.

We agreed PSYFan Pictures is the new name for the company guy9374 Productions. It is just a new name era and the copyright is still kept of 2012: meaning we forgot to change.

The populated 2012 is still the year of founding of the guy9374 name.

Everything must come to the end.

But we have still the guy9374 Network and lasts until September 9th.

Jan 11, 2013

Converting the 2nd Channel into a Gaming Channel with the Same Name

Changing the look of the 2nd channel may say not the change of name, username and channel background. It should say the changing of the video genre. While we announced that for the very soon happening, it should understand for two YouTube channels of Guy's rebrand (guyislegobuilding and guyisgaming, but not guyisbackable).

After the change, the look only of guyisbackable stays same and will never change. At September 2013, the channel may be full of 200 videos.

It will never be closed.

Here's a video for the future of guyislegobuilding channel.

The Lego reviews soon may be kept and be watched and no longer will be posted from September 2nd.

Jan 9, 2013

Questions about Fox Harper

Fox Harper is, that you know, a website that its name comes from Guy's old Google+ profile. Here are the things that Fox Harper is it.


Not. It's just a website with funny stuff, videos, links, the 20th Century Guy logo, lineup of my TV channel, and meanly, news.


Fox Harper is not only a website with videos, it's just a website with more stuff except it.


They meanly don't know guyisbackable and only subscribe to him.


Yes, but there are more stuff except it.

Jan 8, 2013

How to Be Good Already on YouTube

You know some people call you are not good. Did you know what you can do.

1st: You can block IamMemy9909.
2nd: You can be first instead of second in Angry Birds.

3rd: You can rename YouTube into GuyTube and be famous.

Jan 7, 2013

Seven Days Until the New Privacy

What the? You forgive and about the privacy changing for a week. That is it, you know it is a new era of a channel and we should start with the same, but just a little newly-montaged look on YouTube. The look stays same and as you know, Serbia (the country I live), United States, United Kingdom, Japan and Canada go at the next level and can view videos and it is the newly-montaged look. Croatia, Turkey, Puerto Rico, Germany, Spain and all others except the 5 that they go next, will only like playlists, subscribe to my channel and comment and like playlists, including an information that every country except 5 that go next can only view only one video a day.

Jan 6, 2013

YouTube Review of Guy: guyisgaming

The 3rd channel I made is about some gamings and it is currently demonstrated without videos because I did not prepare for making these videos. These are videos, currently, without music because I want CamStudio, and everybody tells me I cannot get it!

In happiness to ElectryDragonite, on every channel I put the message saying with a template:

(your username) - (your genre of videos)


1st: guyisbackable - Animations

2nd: guyislegobuilding - Lego Machines, Movies

3rd: guyisgaming - Gamings

What you think about gaming?

YouTube Review of Guy: guyislegobuilding

I also opened the 2nd channel and there are Lego reviews only. I sometimes make movies there and post them on YouTube by converting to AVI and giving aunt's smartphone and my uncle's USB charger for his Nokia phone.

Here is the V4 of Lego Bank. Uploaded on December 30.

Jan 5, 2013

Forgive guy9374, Know the guyisbackable?

Update (Dec 6, 2015): You are reading the first post of Guy's Blog. This article may contain little bad grammar due to Guy's age at the time.

October 26 saw the reopening of Guy's appearance on YouTube with a newly opened channel called guyisbackable. With a new look, new name, new everything! guy9374 was opened on January 24 or 26. On these days, January 24, 25 and 26, guyisbackable celebrates the 1st anniversary of his appearing. During January 24, he will post a video called Anniversary in Action. Everybody cannot dislike, they can like only.


From Guy's boredom, the channel on YouTube called guy9374 was opened on January 24 or 26, 2012 and lasted until August 20, which in that day the channel must be closed. It reached over 100 videos, 50 subscribers and 5,000 views.

Reopening as guyisbackable

Guy's mom gave a permission for an account re-opening. Instead of the name guy9374, the word "guy" stayed and the numbers "9374" were replaced by the words "is", "back" and "able" together non-spaced.

Guy was popularized as guy9374 and the name stays all time.

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